INVESTIGATING THE TRUTH (in the blink of an eye)

All facts are fictions and all fictions facts. One man’s fact is another woman’s fiction, and vice-versa. Vice-versa is the only constant. past is future, future is past. What we choose to call the present but a prescient clue that the spirit world rules and surrenders to itself at the same time. To investigate the matter is to dematerialize everything and the only evidence we will find is that nothing really proves anything but what we believe it does. And we all know belief won’t stand up in any court of law over which a material judge and jury preside. We can only throw ourselves on the mercy of eternity and eternity passes in the blink of an eye even as it goes on forever. Which is why we constantly blink to convince ourselves we are actually alive and not already dead, because in truth we are both and neither.

We must not tempt the Devil unless we can tempt the Devil to God, and vice-versa. There is no eternity in separation, no separation in eternity. I imagine I see ghosts all over the place and all over the place ghosts imagine they see me. To be afraid of ghosts is to be afraid of ourselves, to be afraid of ourselves is to be afraid of a ghost. To be fearless is to know we are already dead, to be already dead is to be fearless. To be afraid of nothing is nothing to be afraid of. To be nothing is to be everything, the one cannot exist without the other. To know this is to discover the truth, and vice-versa. It is the only thing that makes perfect sense, and (of course) nonsense…..


“I was a hundred years’ old and rapidly dying / I knew this and I knew there was nothing I could do about it / my mind had grown accustomed to expecting nothing

I was fully aware of another shadowy world figuring itself about my head / as if there was something more to be done / a father a mother a son a daughter / and a total stranger who wanted so much to be helpful they made mistakes

this couldn’t be heaven I thought it is too familiar / nor hell unless there was something or somebody I hadn’t yet seen / which I could no longer believe / there was nothing left on this earth that hadn’t finally moved me with its’ vision / as I closed my eyes / I understood the ceiling and the four walls and the voice that cried BE CAREFUL OR YOU’LL HURT YOURSELF! / helplessly / as the breathing began again / and the terrible image of afterbirth revived my senses…”

Luke Bellwood